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Puku Partners with ToTS to encourage parents reading with children
Puku Partners with ToTS Puku partnered with Turn on the Subtitles (ToTS) an initiative aimed at getting parents to read with children.Indefatiguable Programme lead, Su Little, says “We’re on a mission to transform childhood literacy through technology!The TOTS campaign unites digital innov...
Language of my soul poster
Languageof My Soul Documentary
"Language of My Soul" Documentary on SABC 2 One formidable woman's mission to save her language. A Remarkable Story Read More...
Puku Demonstrates the PukuPedia Enhanced Children’s Book Selection Tool
Puku Demonstrates Pukupedia The Puku Children’s Literature Foundation was hosted by UNISA Library during the National book Week and in observance of International Literacy day to facilitate a demonstration of the Pukupedia to stake-holders. The stakeholders included librarians, Ilifa indigenous langu...
Elinor Sisulu wins the Publishers Association of South Africa Nick Perren Lifetime Achievement Award
At an august ceremony held during the proceedings of the Publishers Association of South Africa Annual General Meeting, Elinor Sisulu, Founder and Executive Director of the Puku Children’s Literature Foundation was awarded the Nick Perren Lifetime Achievement Award for 2024. The Award consists of an ornate, engraved trophy, a notarized certificate ...
World Book and Copyright Day 2024
Launching Puku’s Registry of Multilingual Children’s Books by Independent & Self-Publishers Register as an independent or self-publisher here
Puku initiative brings Teachers into the Digital Age
An exciting new initiative by Puku and the ValueEd learning platform will train teachers on digital skills which are essential to navigating the plethora of internet-enabled technologies that will be native to future learners. The partnership between Puku and ValueEd is set to upskill a cohort of teachers by providing them access to the latest tren...
Prof MV Mzamane Commemoration
The late Professor Mbulelo Vizikhungo Mzamane was many things, including a senior advisor to former presidents Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki and JacobZuma. President Mandela described him as a “visionary leader and one of South Africa’s greatest intellectuals.” On the literary front, multilingual African literature was his field and pa...
Niki Daly: A Tribute to a great South African children’s author
By Lorato Trok If you ask black South Africans who grew up in the ‘70s and ‘80s, and possibly the 90s what their favourite South African children’s book is when they were growing up, they will probably tell you about their favourite African folktale that their mothers or grandmothers used to tell them. We simply did not have children’s books tha...
Elinor Sisulu Receives SA Literary Award
Elinor Sisulu, founder and Executive Director of Puku was pleased to receive the South African Literary Awards Chairperson’s Achievement Certificate and Trophy for outstanding work in the Children’s Literature space over many years as an author, advocate for indigenous languages and as an activist for inclusion in children’s acces...
Puku Visits HRH Mohammed Bin Rashid Library
Puku Onix Project teammate, Melvin Kaabwe, had the honor of visiting the Mohammed Muhammad bin Rashid library in Dubai On the eve of the Sharjah International book national book fair and was inspired to find this gentle fountain of knowledge rising out like a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of Dubai.The library is an architectural and technolo...